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Searching for Photographs

Canby Historical Society

Yesterday is Today's History

In reviewing some photos of our Pioneer Families, landmarks, schools, landscapes etc. There is a lack of decades in our collection. So, we are reaching out to you, the Canby community, in hopes you would be willing to share some snapshots you may have stored in a box or scrapbook somewhere. It is unfortunate that many of these historical photos will end up in the recycle bin upon the passing of a person. Have you ever taken a landscape photo only to delete it because what is the point of keeping it? That picture becomes history the next day. With our growing population and industrial needs, that beautiful landscape may be sold for housing development or re-zoned for industrial use. Your photo may be the last photo of that particular landscape, house or barn. It is wonderful to see the then and now pictures, but they won’t exist if the photos are tossed or deleted from our phones or that box. You do not need to be a pioneer family. What we are seeking are photos of any era but especially from the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s early 2000’s of people, clubs, landscapes, businesses, farms, churches, barns, etc. This doesn’t make you old, but the year 2000 was 23 years ago and the 90’s babies are in their thirties or pushing it. We’ve maintained the same photo collection for many years and now it’s time to add to it. You are all a part of Canby history so please dig through those photos and consider sharing with the Canby Historical Society. It would be nice and preferable if there were names and details of photos. If your photo is used, there will be a note stating the photo is courtesy of you and you will be forever in our archives.

A little Canby Legacy

Please email photos, questions or to set up an appointment to review and scan physical photographs to or you can also share your photo in a newly created group just for this project called Canby Then And Now.

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Canby Historical Society

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888 N.E. 4th Ave

P.O. Box 160 (mailing)

Canby, Oregon  97013


Phone: 503-266-6712

Registered Charity: 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization

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